Senin, 17 Januari 2011


Education is considered sensitive area kerana country this field able to change the political and social scenario of our country. Number of young people involved in this field helped make education an issue that must be dealt with wisely but appropriate. Glory of this country to change the field of education in dealing with globalization cabaran surely will bring glory to the people and our country as a whole. Just when this area is considered pristine are facing a period of time before gravity. The most critical problems being faced by the education their students are saying is not disciplined. Every day we were exposed through mass media a matter of discipline committed by students. Kes beaten teachers, students jenayah symptoms, ponteng student attitudes, and cultures leads to pot all the seriousness of this problem. This situation contributed to the field of education fall prey to target public criticism that mahu how soon the case is resolved. Helped the education sector experienced teacher shortage problem, especially male teachers and in the inland area. Lack of male teachers are often associated with the low salary ladder provided to teachers. Men who are often considered family head will look for another kerjaya promising more decent salary. When, for a small number of male teachers is also dihantar into inland areas, but still not enough to accommodate the purposes of inland area. The situation is charged again with a teacher who is considered more culturally patterned womanhood due to lack of male teachers. Additionally, there are schools that still lack such conveniences as computers and buildings. This situation menjejaskan students the opportunity to obtain a good education. They learn in a state of no space and it certainly will menjejaskan their achievement in peperiksaan. If schools did not complete its simplicity, how the teacher would like to execute their duties? These are issues that haunt this education. In fact, the issue of school integration is not a factor considered to contribute to society the main problem now. Insight Schools concept who try to get a rebuttal presented various parties hesitated because of the loss of a particular culture. In fact, too often witnessed the regular school student-student interaction and instead follow the mix. All this produces a generation of students who do not understand the culture of another society. Schools should educate them instead of separating them after people. In addition, students berlumba-dolphin issue for the scoop of A that many in peperiksaan also be a new crisis in education. Which considers crowded schools into places to memorize instead of giving a holistic education to their students. Impression, there are students who are not able to think critically or solve problems beyond the limits soalan peperiksaan who asked for them. Students lack the necessary emotional intelligence daam this globalization era. In conclusion, education should be given more allocation to improve state education stage. Teachers must be given more space to be creative in their teaching. Teachers should be given more opportunities to improve their skills through courses and distance education programs. Teachers should be given more incentives kewangan worth the tasks mandated to them. Teacher inspiring the younger generation.


An earthquake is a vibration or shock that occurs on the surface of the earth. Earthquakes are usually caused by movement of the earth's crust (tectonic plates). The word earthquake is also used to indicate the origin of the earthquake occurrence. Our Earth is solid though, always moving, and earthquakes occur when the pressure is happening because the movement was already too large to hold. 1. Volcanic earthquakes (Gunung Api) This earthquake occurred as a result of magmatic activity, which usually occurs before the volcano erupted. If its activity the higher it will cause an explosion that also will lead to the occurrence of earthquakes. The earthquake was only felt in the vicinity of the volcano. 2. Tectonic earthquake; This earthquake caused by tectonic activity, namely a shift in plate tectonic plates suddenly having the power of the very small to very large. This earthquake generated a lot of damage or natural disasters on earth, a strong earthquake vibrations can spread throughout the earth. Tectonic earthquakes are caused by perlepasan [power] is happening because of a shift in plate tectonic plates pulled like a rubber band and released abruptly. Power generated by the pressure between the rock known as tectonic disability. The theory of tectonic plates (tectonic plates) explains that the earth consists of several layers of rock, most areas of the crust it will drift and float in layers like the snow. Stir gently so that the layer-break berpecah and collide with each other. This is what causes the occurrence of tectonic earthquake. Map of distribution follow specific patterns and rules and narrowed, the meeting followed the patterns of tectonic plates that make up the crust of the earth. In earth science (geology), a theoretical framework of tectonic plates is postulated to explain the phenomenon of tectonic earthquake that hit almost the entire region, adjacent to the boundaries of tectonic plates meeting. Examples of volcanic earthquakes is as happened in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Saturday, May 27, 2006 early morning, at 5:54 pm. Earthquakes usually happen at plate boundaries such slabs. The most severe earthquakes usually occur in the compressional and translational plate boundary. The earthquake focus in the most likely to occur because the material is sandwiched into the layers of the lithosphere undergoes phase transition at a depth of more than 600 km. Several other earthquakes can also occur due to the movement of magma inside the volcano. Such an earthquake could be symptoms of impending volcanic eruptions. Several earthquakes (rarely but) also occur because of accumulated huge mass of water behind the dam, such as the Caribbean Dam in Zambia, Africa. The rest of them (also rare) can also occur due to injection or akstraksi fluid from / into the earth (eg in some geothermal power plants and in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Finally, earthquakes can also occur from detonation of explosives. This can make scientists to monitor nuclear weapons tests conducted secret government. Earthquakes are caused by humans such as this is also called induced seismicity.


I liked the atmosphere of the beach. rustling sound waves, tropical breeze, the horizon line stretching, soft sand trampled, the waving palm trees, everything. This one God ciptan I like the most. And ahad ago, our family has the opportunity to travel to a beach in west Java jung, Anyer. And the results of the visit there led to an interesting experience that I can take a lesson. In ahad morning, after the road - the road in the morning enjoying the morning sun pouring Anyer beach and breakfast, our family decided to play banana boat recreation. And it turns out Anyer beach scenery from the open sea is far far more beautiful. wow. Flicker in the sunlight that bounces off the sea surface is so so nice. At first I did not intend to play water at the time, but because of the banana boat with the success I dropped on the coast, would not want it too wet. already wet by banana boat.Well, it interesting at the start here. Because the already abysmal wet, I finally enjoy the waves that morning. My sister rented a surfboard. playing with her surfboard. One thing I noticed about the time it is, Anyer beach in the morning wave was strong enough to pull my brother who uses a floating surfboard, to the outside limit of the high altitude. I reach my sister surfboard, and I was interested, too. I tried to paddle to shore and the waves were more powerful attraction. I try jejakkan feet to the ground, and it turns out the depth of the beach has been much higher than me. At a distance my mother started screaming in panic. But Alhamdulillah, there is a surfboard. I kept clinging to a surfboard while mendayungkan feet, while my sister instead holding on to me that in fact can not swim. ahaha. Wow, a sense of panic right - I really felt at that time. After about a few minutes in a state of concern, slightly salty water that terteguk and panic, thank God, Praise be to God that there are two 10-year-old local boy who was playing surfboard and get to know both the state beach and also a local resident service provider banana boat successfully achieve our surfboard and pulled us to the beach. Phew. survivors of the condition is true - true meckiptakan profound gratitude. And the good news, I got a lesson from the incident that morning.
1. Do not play - play with a force of nature that are not controlled
2. I should be good at swimming.
After the exciting events that, until 9 o'clock I learned to play the surfboard which I thank God so can the way bermainnnya.
Mountain residents can finally play the surfboard as well.On the way home, we had time to stop trail of civilization to the old offerings. Place the royal palace once stood Islam, but this time it was undermined by the social disease called laziness and mental requesters.The first time we got out of the vehicle, directly invaded by the child - the child population of that request a change from the tourists. such as the condition of intersection in the big city, but more severe because in large numbers and organized. Children - children ask - ask, some villagers a dime provide exchange services for tourists to give children - children who ask - ask for it. Mad. The first thing I think about is, who the leaders of this region? once the heart to let its people in such poor condition. picture taken in old offerings in the old offerings after that we entered into, to see a mosque in the old and menarnya offerings. masijid tower stairs are just enough in a single pass by a thin adult, and take pictures. It is unfortunate that this historic site managed in shambles.


National culture based on Pancasila is the embodiment of creativity, work and wills of the people of Indonesia and is an overall effort to develop Indonesia's human dignity as a nation, and directed to provide insight and meaning to national development in all spheres of life of the nation. Thus the National Development is a development that berbudaya.Departemen Education and Culture, Being, Meaning, and Peak-Peak Old Culture and Society bai Original Pendukukungnya, Semarang: P & K, 199 ".national culture in the view of Ki Hajar Dewantara is "the peaks of the regional culture." Quote this statement refers to understand the unity of the established, so that more and more pronounced than ketunggalikaan diversity. Realization of the unitary state, national economy, national laws, as well as the national language. The definition given by Koentjaraningrat can be seen from peryataannya: "a distinctive and quality of any ethnic origin, origin could identify themselves and create a sense of pride, that national culture". This statement refers to the tops of regional culture and ethnic culture that can cause a sense of pride for Indonesia if it appears to represent the identity bersama.Nunus Supriadi, "Local Culture and National Culture" .The statement contained in these guidelines is a translation of the 1945 Constitution Article 32. Today the figures in the Indonesian culture is being questioned the existence of regional culture and national culture related to the abolition of three-sentence explanation on article 32 and the emergence of a new paragraph. They questioned the possibility of schism by the local culture if the restrictions on national culture is not explained clearly.Before the amendment, the 1945 uses two terms to identify the regional culture and national culture. Culture peoples, cultures is long and contained the original As with the tops in areas throughout Indonesia, while the national culture itself is understood as a culture goose that was located at a position that has meaning for the whole nation of Indonesia. Within there are elements of a unifying national culture of Indonesia is already aware of Banga and menglami spread nationally. In it there are elements of culture and cultural elements of foreign nations, as well as elements of a new creation or invention of national results. Directorate of History and Values tradsional, Congress of Culture 1991: National Culture Now and the Future.


Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil around the year 1500's. Dance-like movements in capoeira and dotted heavily on kicks. The fight in capoeira is usually accompanied by music and called Jogo. Capoeira is often criticized because many people doubted its worth in real combat, compared to other martial arts such as karate or taekwondo.Capoeira is a traditional martial system founded in Brazil by African slaves brought by the Portuguese to Brazil to work on large plantations. In ancient times they were put through exercises to the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments, such as the berimbau (a wooden arch with strings that has been hit with a small timber for menggetarkannya) and atabaque (large drum), and is also easier for them to hide the practice them in various activities such as pleasure in the feast made by the slaves at their residence named senzala. When an escaped slave he will be chased by a "hunter" named professional armed capitães-Mato-do (captain forest). Usually capoeira is the only martial arts used by slaves to defend themselves. The fight they usually occur in the field in the forest in Tupi-Guarani language (one of the indigenous languages in Brazil), called CAA-puêra - some historians argue that this is the origin of the name of the martial arts. Those who had fled villages gather in the fenced named quilombo, in places difficult to reach. Quilombo Palmares of the most important thing is that where the population never reached totaling ten thousand and last until approximately sixty years against the powers that want to invade them. Chairman of the their most popular named Zumbi. When the law to eliminate slavery emerged and Brazil began to import workers white workers from countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy to work in agriculture, many negroes had to migrate to cities to live, and because many of those who do not have a job started to become criminals. Capoeira, which had become an urban and began to learn by white people, in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Salvador da Bahia and Recife, began to be viewed by the public as a game of criminals and street people, the law appears to prohibit Capoeira. It seems at this time that they start using a razor in a fight, this is the influence of capoeira player who comes from Portugal and sing the Fado (traditional Portuguese music that is similar to keroncong). At that time also some sectors of the elite Brazilian racist shouting against the influence of African culture in the country, and wanted to "whiten" their country. After about half a century in a clandestine, and people mepelajarinya hidden in the streets and in the pages behind the house, Manuel dos Reis Machado, the Master (Mestre) Bimba, held a show for the Getúlio Vargas, president of Brazil at the time it, and this is a new beginning for capoeira. Starting established academies, that the public can learn capoeira game. The names of the most important at that time was Vicente Ferreira Pastinha (The Teacher Pastinha), who teaches the school of "Angola", a very traditional, and Mestre Bimba, who founded the flow with some innovations that he called the "Regional".Since that time until the present capoeira through a long journey. Today capoeira studied almost all over the world, from Portugal to Norway, the United States to Australia, from Indonesia to Japan. In Indonesia capoeira already known to many people, in addition to an existing group in Yogyakarta, also there are some groups in Jakarta. Many players who are interested in learning capoeira because the environment is so relaxed and happy, is not the same harsh discipline that is usually contained in the system of martial arts from the East. As once said by a great writer Jorge Amado of Brazil, this "battle of the most beautiful in the whole world, because this is also a dance." In capoeira basic movement techniques starting from "Ginga" and not from the stop position which is characteristic of karate, taekwondo, martial arts, wushu kung fu, etc ...; Ginga body movements are ongoing and aims to find the right time to attack or defend themselves, who are often shy away from attacks. In the wheel of capoeira players to test themselves, pass the game match, in the middle of the circle made by the players of music with African musical instruments and sing various songs, and other players clapped and sang the chorus. Lyrics to the songs of the history of arts, professor at the time of past and present, about life during slavery, and resistance to achieve independence. Style of playing music have different rhythms for a variety of games capoeira, there is a slow and some are fast.Capoeira is not just become a culture, but also a national sport in Brazil, and the teachers from that country to make capoeira becomes continuously more international, teaching in student groups, a variety of fitness centers, small organizations, etc.. Their students learn to sing the songs of Capoeira with Portuguese language - "Capoeira é pre Homi, / mininu e mulhé ..." (Capoeira for men, / the children and women).In Indonesia, the same as in other countries, the possibility of Capoeira will be growing.Some movement in Capoeira:

1. Ginga
2. Handstand
3. Backflip
4. Headspin
5. Whirling Handstand

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


there is much genre of film such as comedy, drama, romantic, horror, etc. this is on of the example from hachiko film. Film taken from the real story in Japan. In a classroom, students are presented a presentation about their hero. A boy named Ronnie tells of his grandfather's dog named Hachiko. Many years ago, an Akita puppy arrived in America from Japan. At the station, the puppy was released after his cage fell off the wagon, and was discovered by a professor named Parker Wilson (Richard Gere). Parker immediately liked the puppy. After Carl guard station refused to take care of it, Parker brought him home. At home, a wife named Cate Parker (Joan Allen) to maintain her husband's objections puppy.
The next day, Parker hopes that dog owners have contacted the railway station, but apparently the actual owner from appearing. Parker secretly invites the puppy take the train to the office. At the office, Parker was told by a colleague that the Japanese named Ken, that the sign on the puppy's collar reads as Hachiko, in Japanese, Hachiko means good fortune. Parker then gave the name of the puppy, Hachi. According to Ken, Parker and Hachi are destined to meet each other. Cate received a call from someone who wants to pick up Hachi. But Cate let her husband keep Hachi after seeing her husband getting close to the puppy.
Time passed, and Hachi Parker has been a faithful dog. Nonetheless, Parker surprised Hachi refuse to perform normal habits like chasing a dog and picked up the ball. Ken told me that Hachi will only be willing to take the ball for a special reason. One morning, when Parker went to work, Hachi sneaked out, and followed him up to reach the railway station. Hachi refused when told to go home until Parker have to drive her home. That afternoon, Hachi back went to the station, and waited for the train ride up to his master to come. Parker finally gave up, and let Hachi him to the station every day. After the train departed master, Hachi own home to home, but when it was afternoon, he returned again to the station to pick up. Hachi habit of delivering and pick up Parker lasted for some time. But one afternoon, Hachi led Parker refused to leave teaching. Parker eventually left alone, but Hachi chase while carrying the ball. Parker was surprised, but pleased Hachi finally willing to play ball. Parker did not want to be late to teach, and went well although prohibited Hachi money kept barking. That afternoon, Parker who teaches while holding a ball of Hachi, fell unconscious and died.
At the station, Hachi waited patiently for the arrival of trains that usually ride when his master came home, but his master did not come home too. He waited, and waited until Michael, son-Parker took her home. The next day, Hachi back to go to the station and waited for his master. He waited all day and all night. After her husband died, Cate sell their homes, and give Hachi to be maintained by Cate daughter named Andy. Hachi moved into Andy's house who lives with her husband named Michael. Both have a baby named Ronnie. Hachi soon fled to return home where he lived before. He then returned to wait for his master who does not go home at the station. Hachi always sat waiting in the place he used to wait. Food vendors at the station named Jas feel pity, and fed him hot dogs. Andy search for Hachi, and found him at the station. Hachi asked to go home, but the next day left to go back to the station.
Hachi started sleeping in the train carriages were damaged. He is just waiting for his master during the day, and live off food and water provided by the Jackets and a butcher. On one day, newspaper reporter named Teddy wants to know about the origin of Hachi. He asked if he was allowed to write a story about the dog. After reading the article in the newspaper, people started sending Carl money, with a message for this money buy food for Hachi. Ken Parker's best friend read the article written by Carl, and expressed willingness to pay for living expenses Hachi. Although Parker has been a year passed away, Ken realized Hachi still wanted and felt compelled to wait for the return of his master, and I expect that his master was still alive.
Year after year passed, and Hachi still waiting at the station. When visiting the tomb of Parker, Cate met with Ken, and admitted he still felt lost her husband who had died ten years ago. Cate then went to the station where Hachi waited. He was surprised to see Hachi who are old, dirty, and weak, but continue faithfully waiting for his master. When he returned to the house, Cate told about Hachi to Ronnie who was aged 10 years. That night, Hachi waited in the usual waiting place, where he lay and fell asleep, dreaming to meet Parker.It's finished reports about Hachi Ronnie to his friends classmates. Loyalty Hachi waited Parker, Ronnie's grandfather, making Hachi as a hero forever in the eyes of Ronnie. That afternoon, Ronnie stroll along Akita puppy in a place his grandfather had a walk with Hachi.Actual dog Hachiko, born in Odate, Akita Prefecture, Japan in 1923. After the owners who named Dr. Eisaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University died in May 1925, Hachi back the next day waiting for the return of his master at Shibuya Station. He continued to wait, and wait until the next nine years. Hachiko finally died in March 1935. Hachiko statue of bronze, can now be found in the usual place to wait, outside of Shibuya Station, Tokyo.

Famoust people

Thomas Alva Edison

A character idolized figures give a lot more influence on the growth and development of one's soul. There is plenty of space and live my life like a ripe fruit that I learned from one digit figure this: Thomas Alva Edison. Of course I am not alone who have been inspired by it, but could have important lessons I learned from Alva Edison different from what you learn. Let's share!

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, USA, February 11, 1847. Died at the age of 84 years in West Orange, New York on October 18, 1931. Anyone would know that he is the inventor of the first electric incandescent lamp. This discovery is just one of the findings of 3000 magnitude. Who would have thought this happens to a person with hearing loss after only 3 months spent in school for being stupid? last child of seven children born to couples Samuel Ogden and Nancy Elliot eventually continued his education by studying at home guided by his own mother. But eventually Edison recorded by the history of science as the inventor of the world's largest. Who planted will reap. But I felt better as the harvester rather than as a planter. Especially from figures Alva Edison with a lot of valuable things from it has given great inspiration of affairs and the principle, to the little things that often people overlook in everyday life. Like Readings is not necessary for me to prove that reading is more effective developer knowledge of everything. Alva Edison was very fond of reading. The books he read, among others, British and Roman history, Dictionary of Science written by Ure, Newton's Principia essays, and books written by Richard G. Parker Chemistry. In our day the book includes more science, more easily found, and other benefits that are not comparable with the long life of Edison. If you like reading has made Edison can provide progress for human civilization, made me think: If only the Government of Indonesia to provide subsidies for this book to anyone who likes to read, certainly opened up opportunities for children birth-Edison Edison Indonesia.  No word bored for a craze. Let the love of reading, Hate Math Most parents become anxious when mathematics Hate their children do not like math. Edison also did not like it, really. So what is the reason for me to make a measurement lesson should be seeded? Genius is not good at math too, but hard work, such as Edison quote, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99% perspiration".